However, K-TCxx is powered via the CAN and power connectors and designed with CiA® 102 pinout for the CAN bus and power to connect the device as simply as possible.
Most commonly, it will be powered from a reXgen Air or a Rebel Logger using the Multi Connect Cable or via ReXgen 1/2/IMU via its connectors, but you can also power it via pin 9 (4.5 to 36V) and pin 5 PowerGND of the 9-pin Sub D connectors. If connected via the multi-connect cable, the CAN 1 (MS) bus is also connected, allowing the Logger to record the data transmitted from the K-TCxx.
When using a ReXgen Air device with K-TC, be sure to get in touch with the technical support team at influx.
b) Setup for interfacing Rebel Device to K-TC
Several K-TCxx can be daisy chained via the additional DB9 Connector. However, they must have power supplied separately via power breakout in the cable, not via the Logger. It can also connect to other devices, such as the Rebel Dash.
The pinout of the required Cable between the two K-TC 2.0xx is as follows:
If you power it from the Logger, the Logger will need to be powered from the vehicle or an external power source.
(NOT just via USB) and you will need to ensure the AUX power feature in the configuration is set to on. To do this, follow the Steps Below:
Right-click on the Project that you want to configure and select ‘Properties’; if you need to create a configuration, this is detailed in the ‘Loading the K-TCxx configuration into DiaLog’ section document.
Once the Edit Configuration window is displayed, click on the ‘Settings’ Tab and put a Checkmark in Aux Power On.
Click OK to set the Aux Power on Setting in the Configuration…
Send the configuration to the Logger by right-clicking on the project and choosing “Send Configuration to the Logger.”
If you have the CAN bus that the K-TCxx is connected to set to the right speed within your Project, you will see the Status Light on Solid Orange, and the CAN Light on Solid Green; if it is flashing green, the CAN bus is misconfigured, check the speed and termination.