All Channels can be added to the Oscilloscope by following the following steps:
Click the ‘Scope add / Add all’ button.
All channels will be added to the Oscilloscope.
The lower area of the ‘Measurement’ tab is used to display the oscilloscope:
There are several ways to add items to the Oscilloscope:
Individually Adding items to the Oscilloscope.
Adding All Channels to the Oscilloscope (Method 1).
Items can be added to the Oscilloscope individually by following the following steps:
Click the Channel you want to add to the Oscilloscope:
The Channel will be added to the Oscilloscope.
Click the Scope Add button.
Right-clicking in the Item Information Area brings up the following menu:
The Menu Items allow the following functionality:
Start New Log
Allows to start a new log, clear log and refresh the Oscilloscope
Assigns a name to the channel; this will appear in the name column.
Select All
Selects all items
Deselect All
Deselects all items
Invert Selection
Selects all items not currently selected and deselects the items currently selected.
Makes the selected items 'Active'; they will be shown on the oscilloscope.
Makes the selected items 'Inactive'; they will NOT be shown on the oscilloscope.
Deletes the item or item selected in Orange.
Add Group
Adds selected item groups to the oscilloscope.
Del Group
Delete the selected item group from the oscilloscope.
Add all
Adds all items to the oscilloscope.
Del all
Deletes all items from the oscilloscope.
Groups and scale to…
Allows customisation of the scaling of selected items.
Reset Scaling
Sets the default scaling.
Not Use
Removes conversion tables or formulas from the selected item(s).
All Channels can be added to the Oscilloscope by following the following steps:
Right-click in the Item Information Area and Select Add All:
All channels will be added to the Oscilloscope.