Connect the logger to the PC via USB.
Status Bar will display the logger status and time information.
Click on the "Internal Storage"
The below window will open up:
Load the XML confiugation which contain the channel names.
The log files in the internal logger memory will be displayed.
Select the files to be retrieved.
Click Export.
Select the TC channel required for exporting.
Select the required output format.
Enabling "Use full date/time "allows user to export data in real-time stamp "dd:mm: yyyy: hh:mm:ss"
Browse and choose a location to save the data
Click process to export the file
TC Logger allows the user to assign the temperature channels with different sampling rates.
Open TC logger software, Interface TC logger with PC.
Select sampling rate for each group of TC channels.
Enter the names for each of the channels.
Save the configuration to the PC, this XML will be used during exporting of data for assigning channel names.
Click "Send Config" to update the configuration to the logger.