The 'Status Bar' is used to display key pieces of information regarding the connected TC logger device.
Logger Status – Indicates the connection status of the TC logger.
TC model info – Displays the TC series of the connected device.
Firmware info – Displays the current firmware info of the connected device.
Logger serial number – Displays the serial number of the connected TC logger.
The Internal storage panel displays all the files currently stored on the TC Logger memory.
Refresh – Allows the user to refresh the window.
Download – Allows the user to retrieve log files from the TC logger memory.
Export – Allows the user to export the RAW data to various other export formats.
Show data log – Allows to view and then export the selected log data.
Format SD – Allows the user to format the internal memory of the data logger.
Find – Allows the user to search for log files.
This window allows the user to select an individual Channel required for exporting, select the Export format, Export options and Output Location.
Enabling "Use full date/time format" allows users to export data with actual time stamps (dd:mm:yyyy:hh:mm:ss).
The configuration panel comprises the available TC channels with respect to the device connected and the sampling rates for each Channel in the corresponding dropbox.
Users can also specify the names for each channel, which the K-Log software will use during data export.
The channel names and the rates will be saved with the configuration in xml format.
Users can import the configuration before exporting the data so that the data exported will have the labels specified by the user.
K-Log software is accessed using either the desktop icon:
Or the 'Start Menu' directory—"Influx Technology".
Once started, the user is presented with the following opening screen:
Max Logging Time – Allows the user to specify Max Log Duration for a data log.
The 'Navigation Bar' is situated at the top of the software screen and can navigate most program features. Some of the menus will be active only when the logger is interfaced.
Allows the user to import the saved TC settings file.
Allows the user to save the working project (Projects are saved in .xml format).
Allows the user to update the settings to the logger.
Allow user to View internal storage.
Allows the user to Set the Time of the TC device.
The datalog window will display the logged temperature data in the oscilloscope.