The Rebel Dash software makes it easy for the user to configure the Rebel Dash device. Follow the simple steps below, and the device will be ready to collect the data. This is used when configuring the Dash to display data from a vehicle's CAN Bus or the K-Box instrumentation (or both). It could also be used to display data from any device that broadcasts simple CAN Messages on a CAN bus, e.g. sensors.
Creating a Configuration Ready to send to the Rebel Dash
Installing the Kvaser Drivers
Sending the Configuration via the CAN bus through a Kvaser Device
Sending the Configuration via USB Stick
How to configure Rebel Dash using .
(Only required to configure the Rebel Dash through a Kvaser Device)
Download the Kavaser Drivers for Windows from the link below:
Run kvaser_drivers_setup.exe.
Click "Next" to start the installation.
Click "Next" after viewing the 'Display Release Notes' (optional).
Select the item(s) you wish to install. Drivers will be installed automatically.
Choose or confirm the location where you wish to install the drivers.
Click "Close" once the process is complete and the Drivers are installed.
A DBC file (containing the description of the messages broadcast on the CAN bus) can be loaded to configure the Rebel Dash.
Click on the Open icon on the toolbar.
Locate the DBC file using the Windows browser.
Select the Open option to import it.
A list of messages from the DBC file will then appear on the "Messages" panel.
To choose the signal(s) to be logged onto the Rebel Dash, click on an identifier to select it, and a list of available signal(s) will appear under the 'Signal' panel.
The user can choose the available signal(s) by clicking on the signal's name.
Repeat Steps 5 to 8 until all the signals that are desired in the configuration have been added.
Once the configuration is ready, it can be uploaded to the Rebel Dash via the CAN bus.
If the PC and the Rebel Dash are connected to the same CAN Bus via a Kvaser device, the user can send the configuration directly onto the Rebel Dash from the PC. The Kvaser drivers must be installed if you wish to use this method to configure the Rebel Dash. Installing the Kvaser drivers is explained in section 2.2.2. Alternatively, the Rebel dash can be configured via USB, as explained in section 2.2.4.
Connect a Kvaser interface device from the PC to the Rebel Dash.
Ensure the CAN Bus is correctly terminated.
Click on the 'Devices' icon. Click on the box next to the name of the interface device to expand to select the Channel.
Click the + button to expand your Kvaser device, and click on the Channel you wish to use.
Select the baud rate by pressing the down arrow button on the baud rate option.
The baud rate needs to be adjusted to be the same as the baud rate used by the Rebel Dash device for the interface to work.
Click 'OK' to close the pop-up window.
Check the Status message at the bottom of the screen to ensure that the Kvaser device can communicate with the Rebel Dash.
If the status message at the bottom of the screen shows that the Kvaser device is 'OFFLINE', the user should investigate the cause of this problem; possibilities include:
There is no power to the Rebel Dash
The CAN bus is terminated incorrectly
The baud rate is set incorrectly
The Kvaser drivers are not installed correctly
After making changes, you must repeat Steps 3-8 to check if the issue has been resolved.
Click the 'Conf CAN' icon to send the Configuration to the Rebel Dash.
The application will show the data is being transferred to the Rebel Dash and will notify once the Rebel Dash has been configured.
A max of 500 signals can be set to the Rebel dash; if you select more signals, only the first 500 will be loaded.
The user can select the signal or identifier to be imported into the configuration setup. In this case, follow steps 5-8; alternatively, all items may be added by pressing the button.
The user can then click on the '' button to add the signal to the configuration or the '' button to undo the process.
How to configure rebel dash via CAN bus through a .
Prepare the configuration for the Rebel Dash.
Insert a FAT-32 formatted USB stick into the PC or Laptop.
The USB stick must be compatible with the Rebel Dash and physically small enough to fit into the USB socket on the Rebel Dash. Influx Technology can provide suitable USB sticks. If you need one, contact Influx Technology.
Click on the Conf USB button.
Select the root of your USB stick.
Safely eject the USB stick from the PC.
Insert the USB stick into the USB port of the Rebel Dash.
Wait while the following message is displayed, ensuring the power is not removed and the USB stick is not removed.
When you see the following message, please remove the USB stick.
Wait for the Rebel Dash to reboot for a few seconds, and it will be ready to be used.
How to send the configuration to Rebel Dash via .