The Rebel Dash software makes it easy for the user to configure the Rebel Dash device. Follow the simple steps below, and the device will be ready to collect the data. This is used when configuring the Dash to display data from a vehicle's CAN Bus or the K-Box instrumentation (or both). It could also be used to display data from any device that broadcasts simple CAN Messages on a CAN bus, e.g. sensors.
Ready to send to the Rebel Dash
the Kvaser Drivers
Sending the Configuration via
How to configure Rebel Dash using .
A DBC file (containing the description of the messages broadcast on the CAN bus) can be loaded to configure the Rebel Dash.
Click on the Open icon on the toolbar.
Locate the DBC file using the Windows browser.
Select the Open option to import it.
A list of messages from the DBC file will then appear on the "Messages" panel.
To choose the signal(s) to be logged onto the Rebel Dash, click on an identifier to select it, and a list of available signal(s) will appear under the 'Signal' panel.
The user can choose the available signal(s) by clicking on the signal's name.
Repeat Steps 5 to 8 until all the signals that are desired in the configuration have been added.
The user can select the signal or identifier to be imported into the configuration setup. In this case, follow steps 5-8; alternatively, all items may be added by pressing the button.
The user can then click on the '' button to add the signal to the configuration or the '' button to undo the process.
To begin the software installation, double-click the Rebel Dash Config setup icon to proceed.
A pop-up will appear for the verification of installing the software. Click 'Run' to confirm the installation of the software.
Wait till the installation is finished.
Enable the 'Launch the program' checkbox by clicking on it.
Click 'Finish' to launch the software.
How to for Rebel Dash.
This section contains the details about:
The Rebel Dash can be connected to a Rebel Logger using the supplied cable and an Influx Technology Multi Connect Cable. The picture below shows the Rebel Logger powered via an OBD II to 9-pin D Sub cable.
The Rebel Dash is a compact, highly flexible, rugged CAN bus display. It is extremely bright, making it ideal for vehicle development tasks, where engineers must rapidly configure it to display information for various testing tasks.
The Rebel Dash is designed to be integrated with all the Rebel range of data loggers and the K-Box instrumentation but can also be used as a standalone CAN display, and it can even be used to view RAW can messages:
It can be used to display variables from a Rebel Data Logger. The items that should be available in the display can be added to an output signal in the Data Logger Configuration. When this is sent to the Data Logger, the Dash is automatically configured, and items can be selected within the display via the displays buttons.
It can be used to display variables from a K-Box, load the DBC description file into the configuration utility, select the items that should be available for display and configure the Dash via USB or a supported Kvaser device. Items can then be selected within the display via the display buttons.
It can be used to display variables broadcast on a vehicle CAN bus. Load the DBC description file into the configuration utility, select the items that should be available for display and configure the Dash via USB or a supported Kvaser device; items can then be selected within the display via the displays buttons.
No configuration is required To use it as a CAN Message viewer. The CAN viewer is accessed via the Main Menu.
The Rebel Dash is configurable from DiaLog or its configuration tool. With the straightforward mounting system or the optional windscreen mounting system, you can monitor vehicle data graphically within minutes.
The Rebel Dash exemplifies a product that is easy to install and use.
It can be plugged straight into the OBD2 to 9-way Sub D cable and directly into a vehicle's diagnostics CAN Bus.
The supplied cable is also directly compatible with the Influx Technology multi-connect cable available for the Rebel CT and LT data Loggers; connect it to the AUX output on the multi-connect cable. The simple cable options with standard CiA® 102 pinout allow for rapid connection and configuration, whether used in a configuration with a Rebel CT or LT Logger, standalone in a vehicle or when used with other tools.
When connected to the LT or CT data loggers through the multi-connect cable, the display is automatically switched on or off by the data logger when in sleep mode, so no user intervention is required.
The Rebel Dash display is a high-brightness QVGA (320x240 pixels) colour display that is viewable in full sunlight on a 3.5-inch colour display with integrated input and output features.
The Display is electrically and environmentally rugged. The new Rebel Dash display is ready to provide rugged, flexible and maintenance-free instrumentation in the harshest environments.
A list of the parameters
Dials and digital LEDs
A graphing mode
A CAN trace viewer mode
Rebel Dash device
Standard display cable Deutsch to 9-pin D Sub
Mounting System – The Dash can be fixed to the vehicle via the fixed mounting bracket or mounted on the windscreen via a twist-activated suction cup with an arm utilising five ball joints, allowing for multi-directional adjustments (both included).
OBDII (type A) to 9-way D-sub
OBDII (type B) to 9-way D-sub
Multi-connect cable to link to a current Influx Technology CT or LT Logger
Tutorial Videos
Software Links
(Only required to configure the Rebel Dash through a Kvaser Device)
Download the Kavaser Drivers for Windows from the link below:
Run kvaser_drivers_setup.exe.
Click "Next" to start the installation.
Click "Next" after viewing the 'Display Release Notes' (optional).
Select the item(s) you wish to install. Drivers will be installed automatically.
Choose or confirm the location where you wish to install the drivers.
Click "Close" once the process is complete and the Drivers are installed.
Once the configuration is ready, it can be uploaded to the Rebel Dash via the CAN bus.
If the PC and the Rebel Dash are connected to the same CAN Bus via a Kvaser device, the user can send the configuration directly onto the Rebel Dash from the PC. The Kvaser drivers must be installed if you wish to use this method to configure the Rebel Dash. Installing the Kvaser drivers is explained in section 2.2.2. Alternatively, the Rebel dash can be configured via USB, as explained in section 2.2.4.
Connect a Kvaser interface device from the PC to the Rebel Dash.
Ensure the CAN Bus is correctly terminated.
Click on the 'Devices' icon. Click on the box next to the name of the interface device to expand to select the Channel.
Click the + button to expand your Kvaser device, and click on the Channel you wish to use.
Select the baud rate by pressing the down arrow button on the baud rate option.
The baud rate needs to be adjusted to be the same as the baud rate used by the Rebel Dash device for the interface to work.
Click 'OK' to close the pop-up window.
Check the Status message at the bottom of the screen to ensure that the Kvaser device can communicate with the Rebel Dash.
If the status message at the bottom of the screen shows that the Kvaser device is 'OFFLINE', the user should investigate the cause of this problem; possibilities include:
There is no power to the Rebel Dash
The CAN bus is terminated incorrectly
The baud rate is set incorrectly
The Kvaser drivers are not installed correctly
After making changes, you must repeat Steps 3-8 to check if the issue has been resolved.
Click the 'Conf CAN' icon to send the Configuration to the Rebel Dash.
The application will show the data is being transferred to the Rebel Dash and will notify once the Rebel Dash has been configured.
How to configure rebel dash via CAN bus through a .
The CAN viewer allows the user to view the CAN message on the CAN bus, decoded in hexadecimal format, along with the identifier and the time stamp.
Select the "STATS" by pressing the "Select" button to show a brief overview of the CAN messages being received and transmitted on the CAN bus.
To update the Rebel Dash, insert an empty USB stick that is compatible with the Rebel Dash into your PC.
Right-click the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Influx Technology\Rebel Dash Config\firmware\RebelDash1.04.zip and select Extract All.
Then select the Root directory of your USB stick (in this case, D:\). Click Extract.
Open the USB sticks' root directory.
The USB stick will then contain the following files:
You will note in the picture above usbstick_update.ars is in the root directory of the memory stick (in this case, D:\)
There are also three other folders in the following root directory of the memory stick (in this case, D:\app, D:\images and D:\update_1.04 ). If all the files are not in the correct location because they have been extracted via a different method, e.g. WinZip, then you will need to move them to the correct location.
Safely Remove the USB Stick From your PC.
Insert the Stick into the Rebel Dash;
On its screen, you will see:
You will then see
The firmware update is complete.
Prepare the configuration for the Rebel Dash.
Insert a FAT-32 formatted USB stick into the PC or Laptop.
Click on the Conf USB button.
Select the root of your USB stick.
Safely eject the USB stick from the PC.
Insert the USB stick into the USB port of the Rebel Dash.
Wait while the following message is displayed, ensuring the power is not removed and the USB stick is not removed.
When you see the following message, please remove the USB stick.
Wait for the Rebel Dash to reboot for a few seconds, and it will be ready to be used.
How to send the configuration to Rebel Dash via .
Once configured via the configuration program or Dialog (or not at all if you only want to use the CAN viewer), you are ready to use the Rebel Dash. The following gives details of
Changing between
Changing the Display
How to in the Rebel Dash.
If you are using the Dash to display data from a Rebel CT or LT Logger, you will use DiaLog to configure the Dash. You should be familiar with using DiaLog to configure the Logger and have the Project that you wish to display items from created already before performing the following steps:
Enable within the Logger Configuration the AUX Power setting
Configure the Logger to supply power to the display by right-clicking on the Project you want to configure and selecting 'Properties'.
Once the Edit Configuration window is displayed, Click on the 'Settings' Tab and put a Check mark in Aux Power On.
Then Click OK
The configuration must contain CAN 1 (MS) so that the Dash connected on CAN 1 can be configured automatically; check if it is there.
If CAN 1 (MS) is not already there, click + New Bus to add it.
Select CAN 1 (MS) and press OK.
Select Auto Baud Rate and press OK.
To send the configuration to the Logger, right-click on the Project and choose "Send Configuration to the Logger".
Once the Dash is on, we can proceed to configure the Logger to output the desired information on the CAN bus and create a Rebel Dash Configuration to allow it to be selected for display.
Select the accessible Items on the Rebel Dash by right-clicking on the Project and choosing "New/Edit Output Signal".
Click 'New Ident' to set up the CAN Identifier you wish to broadcast.
For example, we will choose CAN Identifier 600 and broadcast every 100ms. You may choose any CAN Identifier you wish to use.
Once you have added the Ident, you can add the items you wish to broadcast by clicking 'Add Item'.
Keep clicking add an item and selecting items until you have chosen all the items you wish to display:
You will see how "full" your CAN message is on the right. In this case, you can see we are using 6 of the available bytes in our CAN message to broadcast the items. Add Idents until you have all the items you wish to broadcast if necessary.
Now click Set Output CAN; you must choose CAN MS to select CAN 1, which is connected to the AUX connector of the multi-connect cable if you are attaching the Rebel Dash to that connector.
Once finished, click 'OK'.
If you want to create a Rebel Dash configuration that can be used to configure the Dash via USB (Not required as the Dash will be configured when you send the configuration to the Logger if it is attached)
You can press 'Export' and Select the Rebel Dash.
You will be prompted for the Location of your blank memory stick that is formatted with FAT32 that you will use to Configure the Rebel Dash:
Once found, click "OK" and wait for the following message to appear:
Press OK again to update the configuration.
Right-click on the Project and choose "Send Configuration to the Logger".
This will also update the Dash if it is attached and on.
Alternatively, once the Dash is on, proceed to configure the Dash with the USB Stick created in the optional step; insert the stick, and the Dash will notify you that the configuration file has been copied. Once you remove the USB stick, the Dash will reboot and be available to display your signals.
The Config Menu of the Rebel Dash device, which allows the user to change the device's settings, is accessed by holding the View Key for 1 second.
To Navigate to Options, press the '^' and 'v' arrow buttons until the desired setting is highlighted.
To toggle the option, press the '<' and '>' arrow buttons until the preferred option is highlighted.
To configure the selected option, press the 'Mode' and 'Select' buttons to represent the "left" and "right" functions to adjust it.
To select the transmission speed of the CAN bus signal on the device.
To set the time for the device to go into sleep mode when no CAN message is received.
Configure the device to produce a sound from the buzzer whenever a button is pressed.
To change the brightness of the LCD backlight by percentage.
To change the brightness on the keypad backlight by percentage.
To view the CAN messages received on the device.
Pin Function
Pin 4
Pin 5
Pin 6
Pin 14
Pin 16
Battery Power
Pin Function
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 5
Pin 7
Pin 9
Power Supply 10-32V
To change the display option on the Rebel Dash, press the "View" button to toggle the option.
To view a signal in a single display.
Press "View" to change to Multi Display Mode.
To view the reading of multiple signals at the same time.
You may use the select button (press several times until you are in the quadrant you want to configure). Pressing the '<' and '>' arrow buttons allows you to change the signal to be viewed in that quadrant, and pressing mode will enable you to change the display mode once you have finished; press select again until nothing is selected.
Press "View" to change to List Mode.
To view the readings of the signals in a list.
Press "View" to change to Single Display Mode.
Just press the '<' and '>' arrow buttons to change the signal to be viewed on display.
Change the mode to display the signal, e.g. from Meter Display Mode to Binary Display Mode press mode.
To change between single and multi-display, press view; using the select button then allows you to adjust to the quadrant you want to configure), then pressing the '<' and '>' arrow buttons allows you to change the signal to be viewed in that quadrant, and pressing mode allows you to change the display mode once you have finished press select again until nothing is selected.
To change the viewer mode on the Rebel Dash, press the "Mode" button to toggle the option.
Just press the '<' and '>' arrow buttons to change the signal to be viewed on display.
Press' Mode' to change the mode to display the signal from Meter Display Mode to Binary Display Mode.
Just press the '<' and '>' arrow buttons to change the signal to be viewed on display.
Press' Mode' to change the mode to display the signal from Binary Mode to Graphical Display Mode.
To change the mode of the display in a reading mode.
Just press the '<' and '>' arrow buttons to change the signal to be viewed on display.
Press' Mode' to change the mode to display the signal from Graphical Display Mode to Meter Mode.
The Rebel Dash Cable has been designed with CiA® 102 pinout for the CAN bus and power to make connecting the device as simple as possible. The Standard Display Cable may be connected directly to DB9 connectors with CiA® 102 pinout, CAN, and power is required to make the device power up and display data. The pinout is as follows:
Pin Function
Pin 2
Pin 3
Ground (alternatively, pin-5 may be used)
Pin 5
Ground (alternatively, pin-3 may be used)
Pin 7
Pin 9
Power Supply 10-32V