New Mobile
Allows the user to create a new mobile setting.
Edit Mobile
Allows the user to edit the newly created mobile settings.
Delete Mobile
Allows the user to delete the created mobile settings, if not required.
Label: This allows the user to define a name for mobile settings.
User: This allows the user to enter the mobile server user name.
Pass: This allows the user to define a password for the mobile settings.
APN: Enter the APN.
PIN: Enter the pin to the defined APN.
No Communication timeout (min): The user can enter the delay interval for communication time out in minutes.
Get Real-Time From Mobile: Users can enable this to get real-time from the server.
Click on the user management icon.
Click on Add and create a new user.
Enable the password option and enter a password.
Select the user and click the add folder icon.
Select the folder that you wish to use.
Enable all the permissions.
The server is ready for use.
From Tools, select Encryption Manager
Click Mobile and add SIM settings
Click the FTP Setting tab to add FTP server details.
Click upload in “Device Configuration.”
Select the added Mobile settings and FTP settings.
Store data to FTP using mobile internet: Enable storing the data to FTP using mobile internet.
Mobile: Enter the name defined in the SIM settings.
FTP: Enter the name defined in the server settings.
Check Config Time (min): Checks for new config on the server (at a given delay).
Send status Time (min): Updated the status in the given time (at a given delay).
Check Firmware Update: Checks for new firmware on the server (at a given delay).*
Automatic Firmware Update: Enable updating the firmware automatically.*
*will be enabled with the upcoming versions.
Once the USB is removed, only then the logger will connect to the server and upload files.
Use Server Name: This allows the user to use the server name to execute the FTP process.
Use IP Address: This allows the user to use the IP Address to execute the FTP process.
Protocol: This allows users to select the protocol type between FTP and FTPs.
Mode: This allows users to select the mode type between Active and Passive(recommended).
User: This allows the user to specify himself.
Pass: Allows the user to define a password for the FTP settings.
Click “Run” to update the configuration.
Allows the user to define the name for adding new FTP settings.
Edit FTP
Allows the user to edit the newly created FTP settings.
Delete FTP
Allows the user to delete the created FTP settings if not required.
Download FileZilla
Complete the installation with default settings.
Log in to the Admin Interface.
Click on the server settings icon.
Click on general settings and configure the default port. It is advised to use ports other than 21. Example:54345
Configure the welcome message, optional.
Configure the port range (Starting from the port configured in step 3) and the external IP address to be used for FTP passive mode configuration. Example: 54345 - 54350
If the server is being set up on Azure Virtual Machine or an Amazon EC2 instance, use the static IP address of the Virtual Machine or EC2 instance.
If it is a local server with a static IP address, use that static IP Address.
Ensure the ports are open in the Windows firewall and the Firewall settings in the Azure or AWS portal.
Go to FTP over TLS Settings
Enable the FTPS option
Disallow plain FTP
Generate new certificate
Leave other settings as shown in the image below.
*PROT P is not supported
Click Ok