Once started, the StreamLog interface opens, as shown below:
The software window for StreamLog is constructed from many key components, four of which are common to all views and control the majority of functionality:
This section outlines the main steps required to be completed to use StreamLog successfully. It is not intended as a complete user guide but rather to inform the user of the main steps to set up and operate a successful StreamLog system. Detailed instructions for each item can be found in the relevant sections highlighted below.
DiaLog configuration—This step is required to step up DiaLog to utilise and access the StreamLog server.
Accessing StreamLog—Once DiaLog has been configured, open DiaLog and ensure your PC has a good internet connection established. Access to StreamLog is via the dedicated toolbar icon. You will be required to select an engineer to sign in.
Project set up—Within StreamLog, you need to create a ‘Project’ and assign the required Rebel data loggers to this project.
Rebel alignment—Once StreamLog has been set up, the Rebel data logger(s) to be used must be aligned with the StreamLog server. This requires configuring the Rebel GPRS settings to match the SIM card service provider and StreamLog server.
Stream Data—The key data items to be streamed to the server must then be selected. This is performed in DiaLog.
Vehicle Structure upload—The final step is to upload the Vehicle Structure to the Rebel data logger and the StreamLog server.
Create Fleet Report—How to create fleet reports by creating fleet parameters.
StreamLog is accessed through DiaLog. The main StreamLog GUI is opened using the StreamLog Tab of DiaLog, as shown below:
If you click on StreamLog, you will be asked if you wish to connect,
After Clicking ‘Yes’, a DiaLog will attempt to establish a connection,
You will then be asked what user role you will use to log into the Server.
This facility allows different users to access separate, secure sections of the StreamLog server with different user rights. Depending on the user type, various facilities will be available within StreamLog. The user types and rights are summarised in Appendix A.1.
The toolbar is situated at the top of the software screen and contains several key software features.
StreamLog— Establishes communication with the StreamLog Server
StreamLog Settings— Configuration of the communications between DiaLog and The StreamLog Server.
Administration— Administration of Engineers, Vehicles and Loggers.
Edit Configuration— Jumps to the ‘Configuration’ to allow changes to items logged etc.
Send Configuration— Allows the Configuration to be assigned to the various Loggers.
Request Log Data— Schedule Files to be downloaded.
Scope List— Allows display of logged data on an Oscilloscope.
Reports— Allows Logger Reports to be generated.
Tasks— Allows the user to create automated transfer and alert tasks.
Wizards— The wizards enable you to retrieve data and send configurations to a Logger.
Log Off— This allows you to disconnect from the StreamLog Server.
Once StreamLog is installed on your system, DiaLog requires configuring to interact with the software. To do this, a dedicated configuration file supplied with StreamLog must be assigned:
The StreamLog configuration file must be placed within the parent DiaLog installation directory. This is arbitrary:
“C:\Program Files\Influx Technology”
This method is only required for the initial assigning of a ‘. SSF’ file. This configures DiaLog to allow access to the StreamLog features, and in future, all management of the configuration files can be performed within the StreamLog settings window in DiaLog. This is accessed using the StreamLog Tab as shown below:
Once the ‘Surefleet.ssf’ file is in place, the StreamLog Settings button will show you details of the Server and Database that you are connecting to as follows:
A new configuration file is assigned to DiaLog using the ‘Add Security StreamLog file’ toolbar icon at the top of the window.
Once a file has been selected, it is listed in the ‘Security files’ panel location. Multiple files can be assigned to an installation of DiaLog simultaneously. The highlighted file will be the one used by DiaLog to access StreamLog.
StreamLog is a dedicated Fleet Management tool which utilises a secure central server, GPRS and WiFi connections. The system provides a complete remote management system for projects, engineers, vehicles and data loggers.
Secure data storage.
Collates all vehicle data files in one environment for access when required.
Provides access to data for engineers from anywhere in the world.
Redundant backup server system to ensure minimal downtime.
Editable projects with assignable project managers, engineer teams, data loggers and vehicles.
Search by date, VIN, Logger and data for specific items with filtering.
Review and organise recorded data files.
Upload and download IVD data files.
Select several key data items to transmit to the server from each Rebel.
Monitor data being captured and ensure successful data logging.
Immediate review of data and indication of events.
In-built oscilloscope tool.
Remote reconfiguring of data loggers.
Link to complete data files for detailed data analysis and create fleet reports.
Once all the required ‘engineers’, ‘vehicles’ and ‘loggers’ have been added to the StreamLog database, they can be assigned to individual ‘Projects’ (Project Manager user rights required).
Creating Engineers/Loggers/Vehicles can be done via the Administration button.
Select the required ‘Project’ in the ‘Projects’ panel.
Click the ‘Engineers’ tab.
Click ‘Add Engineer’.
Select the required ‘engineer’ in the ‘Add Engineer’ window.
Click ‘OK’ to add ‘engineer’ to ‘Project.’
Select the required ‘Project’ in the ‘Projects’ panel.
Click the ‘Loggers’ tab.
Click ‘Add Logger.’
Select the required ‘logger’ in the ‘Add Logger’ window.
Choose the vehicle to which the Logger is to be assigned.
Click ‘OK’ to add ‘logger’ to ‘Project.’
Select the required ‘Project’ in the ‘Projects’ panel.
Click the ‘Loggers’ tab.
Click ‘Assign Vehicle.’
Select the required ‘vehicle’ in the ‘Add Vehicle’ window.
Click ‘OK’ to add ’vehicle’ to ‘Project.’
The window also states the current ‘Project’ and ‘Logger’ for the selected ‘vehicle’.
StreamLog Activity - This tab provides a chronological history of the actions performed in StreamLog, starting with the most recent first.
StreamLog Connection Status - This tab summarises all the currently connected loggers.
Project—The project to which the Logger is assigned.
Structure—Current structure being logged.
VIN—Vehicle ID if entered in the structure.
Revision—Revision of the number of the structure.
Uploading data log—Lists the name, size and progress of any logs currently uploading to the server.
The window also provides details of several communication settings.
DTC- This tab provides the summary of the entire DTC.
This tab allows the administration of all the ‘DTC’ in StreamLog.
Click ‘New DTC’ to create a new slot.
Edit the ‘Properties’ accordingly. (Must be unique.)
Click ‘Apply’ to save the settings.
The ‘Apply’ and ‘Cancel’ icons can also edit existing ‘DTC’.
Options- This tab provides the option to set the time zone.
Two options are available: windows time zone or custom time zone.
Also, there is an option to select the unit of distance: Km/Mile under this tab.
Required if you are using the below functions:
Live View
Fleet Overview
Fleet Reporting
From the StreamLog administration tab, select fleet parameters.
Default parameters will be displayed.
For adding additional parameters, click the new fleet parameter.
Name the parameters.
Click apply.
This panel lists all the ‘Projects’ viewable on the StreamLog server.
The parent ‘Vehicle Configuration’ groups uploaded to the ‘Project’ are listed within each’ Project’.
Each ‘Vehicle Configuration’ group then contains any revisions to the structure.
The ‘Filter’ panel allows a quick selection of specific loggers and data logs using filtering criteria.
Vehicle— Allows the selection of specific vehicle registration.
Logger— Allows the selection of a specific Rebel.
From/To— Specify a date range for the data files.
Size (MB)— Specify the size of the data files.
DTC— Filter based in DTC count (can use >, <, = operands).
Distance— Filter based on Distance covered (can use >, <, = operands).
Event— Filter based on several trigger events (can use >, <,= operands).
Opens a dedicated window allowing the user to locate and select a ‘.SSF’ configuration file.
User Documentation
SIM Card Installation Guide
StreamLog Assistant
Several WiFi or GPRS Settings steps need to be configured for a Rebel to communicate with the StreamLog server successfully.
The ‘Editors’ tabs allow the user to navigate amongst the main features in StreamLog for the selected item in the ‘Projects’ panel.
Sessions— The tab provides information regarding the active and previous data logging sessions from the Logger.
Loggers— The tab provides information regarding the loggers assigned to the configuration.
Vehicles— The tab provides information regarding the events that have occurred during data logging.
Engineers— The tab provides information regarding the engineers assigned to a project/configuration.
Live View— The tab allows you to view the live data from the Logger.
Fleet Overview— Tab provides statistical information related to various fleet parameters.
Data Management— Tab provides information regarding IVD files created in the Logger.
Fleet Reports— The tab allows users to create advanced reports using fleet parameter data.
This section shows all the steps involved in the initial set-up of the StreamLog server and its administration. Full details of the StreamLog workflow arrangements can be found in Appendix A.2.
Within StreamLog, each engineer, data logger and vehicle is assigned a specific ‘Project’ relating them all to the same work. A ‘Project’ is created using the toolbar icon. (Project Manager user rights required.)
Enter a project name. (Must be unique.)
Enter a project comment or description.
Click “OK” to create the ‘Project’.
Once a project is created, it will appear in the ‘Projects’ panel on the left-hand side of the window.
A ‘Project’ can be edited or deleted using the toolbar icons.
StreamLog allows adding and removing engineers, vehicles and data loggers from the database. This is performed using the DB manager, accessed by the Administration toolbar icon. (Administrator user rights required.)
Engineers - This tab allows the administration of all the ‘engineers’ on StreamLog.
Click ‘New Engineer’ to create a new slot.
Edit the ‘Properties’ accordingly (must be unique).
Click ‘Apply’ to save the settings.
The ‘Apply’ and ‘Cancel’ icons can also be used for editing existing ’Engineers’.
Vehicles - This tab allows the administration of all the ‘vehicles’ in StreamLog.
Click ‘New Vehicle’ to create a new slot.
Edit the ‘Properties’ accordingly (must be unique).
Click ‘Apply’ to save the settings.
The ‘Apply’ and ‘Cancel’ icons can also be used for editing existing ‘Vehicles’.
Loggers - This tab allows the administration of all the ’loggers’ on StreamLog.
Click ‘New Logger’ to create a new slot.
Enter the serial number (It must match exactly).
Edit the ‘Properties’ accordingly (Must be unique).
Click ‘Apply’ to save the settings.
The ‘Apply’ and ‘Cancel’ icons can also be used for editing existing ’Loggers’.
The tab also provides the option to:
Check for revision updates— Select to automatically check for and await an update to the Rebel’s’Vehicle Structure.
Retrieve Datalog files—Select to automatically retrieve the stored data files from the Rebel SD card. (StreamLog Workshop option.)
Allow Connection to Server—Select whether to allow the Logger to connect to the server.
Allows the user to remotely block the Logger from communicating and streaming to the server.
Enable or disable Idle Stream Mode
The tab also allows the user to set the time within a selected logger remotely. This is performed using the toolbar icon.
This tab also provides the option to restart & reflash the Logger.
Allows recorded Data to be visualised, deleted and saved for further analysis.
It is possible to import the data into a DiaLog oscilloscope for more detailed data analysis and export.
Select the IVD file you wish to look at and click extract stream data.
This will load the recorded ‘Stream Data’ into a DiaLog oscilloscope. Depending on the size of the data log, this process may take a little while—a progress window is displayed.
Once the data has loaded, the oscilloscope will be shown.
Once the scope has been loaded, it will remain accessible in StreamLog and DiaLog via either the ‘Scope List’ or ‘Show Scope’ toolbar icons. This allows ‘Stream Data’ logs to be loaded to DiaLog scopes and accessed via DiaLog after StreamLog has been closed. This gives the user access to the complete DiaLog scope functionality, including data export options. Full details can be found in the DiaLog documentation.
Connect the Logger to PC, and Open Dialog.
Click the ‘Settings’ toolbar icon on the Logger Tab.
Click the ‘WiFi Settings’ Tab in the ‘Logger Information’ window.
You can manually use the Scan WiFi button to find the WiFi Network you wish to Join or enter it and the encryption type. You must also enter the PSK (Pre Shared Key) to access the network.
Click “load streamlog link settings from .ssf file” to auto-fill the server IP address from the “.ssf file”.
Click ‘Update’ to save the settings to Logger.
Rebels running on StreamLog use a ‘Configuration’ as in regular running, and complete details of this can be found in the DiaLog documentation. However, to transmit key data items to the server, ‘Stream Data’ must be assigned.
Steam Data must be assigned within the ‘Configuration’ and is therefore completed within DiaLog. Once the structure has been completed and the required ‘Data Items’ selected within the ‘Configuration’, the Stream Data facility allows the user to choose several key ‘Data Items’ to be streamed to the server.
The procedure for selecting ‘Stream Data Items’ and transmission rates is outlined below.
Within DiaLog, select the ‘Protocol’ containing the ‘Data Items’ you wish to stream to display the ‘Items’ panel below:
To assign ‘Stream Data Items’:
Select a single or group of key ‘Data Items’ to be streamed.
‘Right-Click’ and select the ‘Stream’ menu item or use the ‘Stream Rate’ toolbar icon.
A choice of three lists for different stream rates will be displayed. Select the required DAQ depending on the desired stream rate (Each DAQ can contain up to 15 channels).
The selected items will be added to the ‘Stream Channels’ for the ‘Vehicle Structure’.
‘Stream Data Items’ can also be assigned or edited using the ‘Stream Rate’ icon in the toolbar at the top of the ‘Items’ panel.
Within DiaLog, it is possible to independently select the transmission rate for each ‘Stream Data’ DAQ list. This is performed within the ‘Vehicle Properties’ window.
In the ‘Local Database’ in DiaLog, select the ‘Configuration’ you wish to edit.
‘Right Click’ in the ‘Vehicle’ component and select the ‘Properties’ menu item.
This will open the ‘Edit Vehicle’ window, as shown below.
The transmission rates are selected using the drop-down menus as shown.
Assign required parameters with stream rate.
Only streamed parameters can be assigned for the generation of the fleet report.
Click on get fleet parameters for updating.
Select the configuration.
Click on stream channels.
Select the label and assign fleet parameter from dropbox.
Once a complete ‘Configuration’ has been created, it must be uploaded to the server to register it with StreamLog and allow the Logger to upload data to StreamLog successfully.
Select the ‘Configuration’ to be used.
‘Right-click’ and select the ‘Server’ menu item.
Click ‘Send Vehicle File to StreamLog’ to upload the structure.
Select the Firmware Version with which you want the Configuration to be compatible.
Select the ‘Project’ in StreamLog to upload the ‘Vehicle Structure’.
Click ‘OK’ to begin uploading the file.
Once the structure has been uploaded to the server, it is ready to be uploaded to the Logger (This is performed, as usual, see DiaLog documentation for further details). If a ‘Vehicle Structure’ containing ‘Stream Channels’ isn’t first sent to the server, the user will see a warning when uploading to the Logger.
The Rebel is now ready to begin data logging and streaming to StreamLog.
Connect the Logger to PC, and Open Dialog.
Click the ‘Settings’ toolbar icon on the Logger Tab.
Click the ‘GPRS Settings’ Tab in the ‘Logger Information’ window.
According to your GPRS Data Provider, configure the APN, ‘Default User and Password’ fields or ‘Load from Presets’.
A Data-Enabled SIM Card with an appropriate contract or credit will be required and must be installed in the Logger.
Click “load streamlog link settings from .ssf file” to auto-fill the server IP address from the “.ssf file”.
Click ‘Update’ to save the settings to Logger.
The ‘Events’ Tab lists all the ‘Triggers’ in the ‘Configuration’ within the ‘Project’, along with information such as the number of events and the first and last occurrence.
The panel also displays the actual events and their recorded location (if available).
Triggers set within the ‘Configuration’ found in the selected ‘Project’ describe each trigger and the number of events that occurred for each, with their first and last occurrences.
Events position provides a graphical plotting of the vehicle location for each event for the selected trigger.
The ‘Events tab’ lists all the events recorded on the selected trigger, providing information such as the Logger and VIN for the event and the ‘Vehicle Structure’ used to record the event and the IVD file in which the event is recorded.
When a ‘Project’ or ‘Configuration’ group is selected, it lists all the Rebels assigned and allows their addition/removal and assigning of Engineers.
The ‘Editors’ tabs allow the user to navigate between the main features in StreamLog for the selected item in the ‘Projects’ panel.
This tab provides the complete list of vehicles running under a selected project.
It also has options to view the live GPS location of the selected vehicle.
When a ‘Project’ or ‘Configuration’ group is selected, it lists all the Rebels assigned and allows their addition/removal and assigning of ‘vehicles’ to ‘loggers’.
When a single ‘Configuration’ revision is selected, it displays the associated Logger and allows its removal and assigning of ‘vehicles’.
Select the project.
Select a required configuration from the project.
Click on the Sessions tab.
Select streamed IVD data.
Click on extract stream data to extract the selected IVD.
This tab provides the Live view with different drive cycles coloured in different colours. It enables the easy selection of Day filters. It also has a set of tools for live data monitoring (Dials, Labels and Bars).
To add dial, bar or labels in the Live View display screen, click on ‘page 1’ below ‘Live data tools.
Clicking next to ‘page 1’ adds multiple pages to the Live data tools.
Clicking on ‘Add dial/bar/label’ opens the following window for ‘Dial settings’.
Parameters— Allows the users to choose which parameters they wish to see.
Units— Defines the units of the chosen parameters.
Divisions— The users can define the number of divisions on a dial/bar/label chosen.
Min. Value— Allows the user to assign a minimum value for the chosen parameter.
Max. Value— Allows the user to assign a maximum value for the chosen parameter.
A total of six dials/bars/labels can be displayed on one page, and multiple pages can be added.
Clicking below ‘page 1’ opens the menu for adding dial, bar and level.
This tab enables the generation of reports on fleet parameters. Users can select different parameters and generate a report with calculations (Average, Sum, Min & Max).
Click on the ‘Add Report’ tab to create a new report.
In the report generator window, assign the report name.
Choose generate points:
Once per day: points will be generated after monitoring the data for the whole day.
Once per file: points will be generated for each file.
Once per trigger: points will be generated for all occurrences of trigger conditions.
Select items from fleet parameters and choose the statistical options.
In the following section user will have the option to choose the monitoring option:
Snapshot: To be used when monitoring the data during a trigger event.
Filter: To be used when you want to monitor the data continuously based on another parameter.
Snapshot trigger will take the snapshot of requested parameters when given conditions are met.
Add filter will monitor and find the statistical information (min, max, avg, sum). about the parameter while filter conditions are satisfied.
From additional options, we can select vehicles whose reports are to be generated.
We can enter a threshold value which will be added to the report.
Show Report - We can view the report by clicking show report.
Show combine report – This will generate a combined report for a vehicle.
Email report – We can Email the combined report.
With a specific ‘Configuration’ revision selected in the ‘Projects’ panel, it is possible to send the structure via GPRS or WiFi to a data logger.
Select the required ‘Configuration’ revision in the ‘Projects’ panel.
Select the desired Rebel in the ‘Loggers’ panel.
Right-click the Logger and select ‘Update Logger Structure’.
Report Diagnostic Trouble Codes: By Group, By Vehicle, By Date, etc.
This tab provides the complete overview of the fleet. It gives a graphical view of the numbers of connected loggers & the number of vehicles with DTC’s.
This tab provides the complete details about the distance travelled by vehicles under the fleet. It also gives a graphical representation of the same.
This tab provides the complete list of active vehicles for the specified time.
This tab provides the statistical report of fleet parameters per vehicle.
Users can select any measurement item to be monitored continuously.
Sampled results are shown from the data compiled across the fleet.
Key parameters can be linked across different modules.
This feature allows the user to produce two detailed reports summarising activity over a selected period.
The ‘Report tab’ is available in the toolbar.
It opens a window that allows the user to select the required report parameters, as shown below:
Period—Allows the user to select the period of activity the report will cover.
Projects—Allows the user to report on the current selected ‘Project’ or all activity on the server.
Items—Select the items of interest to be included in the report.
Group—Allows the activity reports to be grouped by the Logger or the Vehicle Identification Number.
Period—Allows the user to select the period of activity the report will cover.
Projects—Allows the user to report on the current selected ‘Project’ or all activity on the server.
The content of the event report is predetermined to include all relevant information.
If equipped with the GPRS option, you can insert a standard-size SIM card into the Logger to facilitate using it with StreamLog; although the exact position of the SIM card varies between different Loggers in principle, the method of installing the SIM Card is the same:
Undo the TORX bolts (normally at the end opposite the USB and SD Card of the Logger).
Locate the SIM Card Slot.
Insert the Standard Size SIM Card into the slot and push it in, making sure that the contacts of the SIM Card face the PCB that the slot is soldered onto and making sure that the cut-off corner of the SIM Card goes in first.
Place the end panel and tighten the TORX bolts again, taking great care not to over-tighten the bolts and strip the tread in the housing.
IVD data can be extracted from either the Data Management tab in the Editors Panel or the Wizard option in the Toolbar panel.
From data management, select the IVD.
Click on the “Request file’ tab.
Enter the required data size to be extracted from the whole data.
Using the Wizard option, it is also possible to use the Rebel GPRS or WiFi connection to upload individual data files from the logger SD card to the StreamLog server.
Now use the ‘Request Log Data Wizard’:
Select the Logger you wish to use:
Select the IVD file(s) to be retrieved from the Logger.
The transmission of the IVD file will begin. Once the file has completed transfer, it will appear in ‘Stream Data Tab’ with File on Server equal to YES, and there you have the option to print the report.
StreamLog contains many different user types with varying levels of access to various features within the software. There are three types of user rights— Administrator, Project Manager and Engineer.
The table below indicates the actions and the level of user required.
Project Manager
Create/Edit/Delete Project
Add/Delete Project Manager
Add/Delete Engineer
Add/Delete Data Logger
Add/Delete Vehicle
Assign an Engineer to a Project
Assign a Data Logger to a Project
Assign a Vehicle to a Data Logger
Add a Data Logger to a Configuration
Remove a Data Logger from a Configuration
Add a Configuration to a Project
Remove a Configuration from a Project
Read an IVD file
Delete an IVD file
Select The Wizards from the Toolbar of the StreamLog Tab:
This section summarises the workflow for StreamLog, identifying the user performing the different stages discussed in this document.
The Administrator creates/adds all engineers, loggers and vehicles in StreamLog.
The project Leader creates a project representing all work performed with a single ECU.
The Project Leader assigns engineers, loggers and vehicles the Administrator adds to the Project.
The engineer set up the project's vehicle structures for the required tasks.
The engineer assigns loggers to each structure from the loggers assigned by the Project Leader.
The engineer assigns vehicles to loggers from the vehicles assigned by the Project Leader.
StreamLog is then ready to begin collating data from the Rebels.
Important—Should an Engineer require any adjustments to a vehicle structure and thus the data being captured, the current structure should be revised rather than a new structure uploaded.
This document consists of a step-by-step guide for setting up StreamLog for initial use.
Load the SSF file shared in the Dialog 5.3 software.
After loading the ssf file, connect to the server; in the login prompt, use the administrator and leave the password empty.
Create a new project.
Open the Administrator Menu.
Open the 'Vehicles' Tab
Click 'New Vehicle'.
Enter details under 'Vehicle Name'.
Enter the vehicle details on the right side and click 'Apply'.
Click on the 'Loggers' tab.
Select 'New Logger'.
Enter the exact logger serial number without spaces.
Enter a logger's display name
Assign the logger to the project which was created in the first step.
Connect the logger to the laptop via USB to configure the server setting in the logger.
The Dialog software will automatically switch to the 'Logger' tab on connecting the logger.
Click on Logger 'Settings' tab.
Choose the interface that will be used to connect to the Streamlog server.
Select the interface and click update.
Click on the 'GPRS Settings' tab.
Enter the APN setting for the SIM card inserted in the logger.
Enter the user ID and password for the APN if required.
Select the region;
Click on “load streamlog link settings from ssf file” to auto-load the server IP.
Click Update.
Click on 'WiFi Settings'.
Click 'Add WiFi' and add your WiFi network.
Enter the Server IP provided in the Email.
Click 'Update'.
The logger and server are now ready to receive configuration over the air.
You can prepare and send the configuration to the server.
Connection to the server can be tested using the streamlog assistant software, which can be found in the start menu. Make sure Dialog is closed while using this tool. Provide 12V power to the logger and connect the Antenna to the logger. Open the software and click Check GPRS connection or Check WiFi connection based on your user interface.
For a Rebel to successfully communicate with the StreamLog server a number of steps WiFi or GPRS Settings need to be configured.
The communications between DiaLog and the StreamLog server can be tested by running the StreamLog Connection Assistant on the PC where DiaLog is installed; once you launch the Application, you can see a diagram representing the configuration you wish to use.
Once you are ready, press, the Check DiaLog Connection button to test the Connection between the PC running DiaLog and the StreamLog Server.
The following window will be displayed.
Press the Load Security File Button to Load the “StreamLog.ssf” file.
Then select your file as follows
Then Enter the Serial Number of your Logger exactly as it is printed on the Sticker on the Device.
Now click Check Client StreamLog.
If The PC is able to simulate correct communications between DiaLog and the StreamLog Server, the following Message will be displayed.
DiaLog must be configured to be able to interact with the StreamLog Server. To do this a dedicated configuration file supplied with StreamLog must be assigned:
The StreamLog configuration file must be placed within the parent DiaLog installation directory. This is arbitrary:
“C:\Program Files\Influx Technology”
This method is only required for the initial assigning of a .SSF file. This configures DiaLog to allow access to the StreamLog features and in future all management of the configuration files can be performed within the StreamLog settings window in DiaLog. This is accessed using the either the StreamLog Tab as shown below:
Once the Surefleet.ssf file is in place the StreamLog Settings button will show you details of the Server and Database that you are connecting to as follows:
A new configuration file is assigned to DiaLog using the ‘Add Security StreamLog file’ toolbar icon at the top of the window.
Opens a dedicated window allowing the user to locate and select a .SSF configuration file.
Once a file has been selected, it is listed in the ‘Security files’ panel by location. Multiple files can be assigned to an installation of DiaLog simultaneously. The highlighted file will be the one used by DiaLog to access StreamLog.
The communications between the Rebel (GPRS) and the StreamLog server can be tested by running the StreamLog Connection Assistant on the PC where DiaLog is installed, once you launch the Application you can see a diagram representing the configuration you wish to use.
Once you are ready press the Check GPRS Connection button to test the Connection between the Rebel (GPRS) and the StreamLog Server.
You will be asked to plug the Logger in and ensure that 12V is supplied via the OBD Connector.
After confirming you will see the GPRS connection is started and the Rebel will log into the access point as with the Username and Password it is configured to use, the Logger must have a SIM Card installed with sufficient credit to allow communication.
The following shows successful communication between the Rebel (GPRS) and the StreamLog Server.
Click the ‘Settings’ toolbar icon on the Logger Tab
Click the ‘WiFi Settings’ Tab in the ‘Logger Information’ window.
You can use the Scan WiFi button to find the WiFi Network you wish to Join or enter it and the encryption type manually. You will also need to enter the PSK (Pre Shared Key) to gain access to the network.
Click the ‘Settings’ toolbar icon on the Logger Tab.
Click the ‘GPRS Settings’ Tab in the ‘Logger Information’ window.
Configure the APN, Default User and Password fields according to your GPRS Data Provider or ‘Load from Presets’.
A Data Enabled SIM Card with an appropriate contract or credit will be required and must be installed in the Logger.
Click ‘Update’ to save the settings to the logger.
The communications between the Rebel (WiFi) and the StreamLog server can be tested by running the StreamLog Connection Assistant on the PC where DiaLog is installed; once you launch the Application, you can see a diagram representing the configuration you wish to use.
Once you are ready press the Check WiFi Connection button to test the Connection between the Rebel (WiFi) and the StreamLog Server.
You will be asked to plug the Logger in and ensure that 12V is supplied via the OBD Connector.
After confirming,
you will see the WiFi connection is started and the Rebel will log into the access point as with the PSK security settings it is configured to use.
The following shows successful communication between the Rebel (GPRS) and the StreamLog Server.