StreamLog contains many different user types with varying levels of access to various features within the software. There are three types of user rights— Administrator, Project Manager and Engineer.
The table below indicates the actions and the level of user required.
Project Manager
Create/Edit/Delete Project
Add/Delete Project Manager
Add/Delete Engineer
Add/Delete Data Logger
Add/Delete Vehicle
Assign an Engineer to a Project
Assign a Data Logger to a Project
Assign a Vehicle to a Data Logger
Add a Data Logger to a Configuration
Remove a Data Logger from a Configuration
Add a Configuration to a Project
Remove a Configuration from a Project
Read an IVD file
Delete an IVD file
This section summarises the workflow for StreamLog, identifying the user performing the different stages discussed in this document.
The Administrator creates/adds all engineers, loggers and vehicles in StreamLog.
The project Leader creates a project representing all work performed with a single ECU.
The Project Leader assigns engineers, loggers and vehicles the Administrator adds to the Project.
The engineer set up the project's vehicle structures for the required tasks.
The engineer assigns loggers to each structure from the loggers assigned by the Project Leader.
The engineer assigns vehicles to loggers from the vehicles assigned by the Project Leader.
StreamLog is then ready to begin collating data from the Rebels.
Important—Should an Engineer require any adjustments to a vehicle structure and thus the data being captured, the current structure should be revised rather than a new structure uploaded.