Version 1.2.8
Fixes and Updates
Added linked messages in Output messages.
Export can data to PEAK CAN trace format (trc).
CLI now supports merging and exporting to InfluxDB and DBC attachments.
Added LIN log all, schedule tables support.
GNSS added accuracy parameters.
a) Horizontal Accuracy
b) Vertical Accuracy
c) Speed Accuracy
Added library LDF import.
Export from LIN to mdf, mat, csv.
Added CAN3 and CAN4 support (4XCAN FD)
Every logger creates a main folder in the FTP server according to its serial number.
FTP reflash with new FW.
FW update from FTP. It needs a SHA 256 file for validation Snapshot implementation for FTP, DAQ Item and DAQ block.
Multiple additions:
a) FTP
b) IMU
The analogue data unit changed to ‘volts’.
Last updated