Technical Specifications


Supported Protocols

OBD (CAN) ISO15765/ISO14229 (UDS)


CAN monitoring (raw CAN messages or signals via CAN DBC)


CAN functions

Output CAN signals (applications include display units)

Create user-defined CAN messages for periodic transmission

Data storage format

FAT32 (PC readable)

Data logger configuration

Configuration via USB and SD card

Trigger Condition

Up to 20 configurable conditions

(>,< ,=, increment, decrement or on-change)

TrIgger Action

Up to 20 configurable triggers

Functions include start or stop, sample one-shot data, sample DTC, and read OBD data.

Configurable pre and post-trigger times

Configurable LED functions

Wake up time

Wake up from normal sleep mode logging starts within 20mSec

Wake up from power down mode; logging starts < 5 seconds

Data formats

Large quantities of recorded data can be conveniently converted to MDF, MDF4, MAT (Matlab), nCode, and by batch processing.

Power supply

4.7V to 36V DC (12V typical) internally fused with reverse protection

Power consumption @12V

Normal operation approx. 250mA to 350mA

Sleep mode approx. 80mA

Power down standby mode < 2mA

Wake up

WakeOnCAN function

PC interfaces

Isolated USB2.0 (Type B) - can be powered by USB

CAN interfaces

2x CAN 2.0B Max 1MBit/s


9x LEDs


Dimension (LxHxW): 115x26x105mm

Weight 400g


Stackable ABS


-40degC to +80degC

Humidity max 90%

Data storage capability

Removable SDHC max 64GByte

Analog Inputs

Number of channels

4 bipolar single-ended inputs



Resolution (ADC)

12 bits

Max sampling rate

1 KHz

Input impedance

>50K Ohms

Min/Max applied voltage


Digital Inputs/Outputs

Number of channels

3 unipolar single-ended inputs/outputs

Input switch thresholds

Low < 2V, High > 2.5V (up to 36V)

Output Drive details

Collector-emitter voltage 36V

Collector current (DC) 50mA max

max Saturation voltage <0.6V

Min-Max applied voltage

-0.5V to 36V



Last updated