StreamLog Operation
Configuration Structure
Rebels running on StreamLog use a ‘Configuration’ as in regular running, and complete details of this can be found in the DiaLog documentation. However, to transmit key data items to the server, ‘Stream Data’ must be assigned.
Steam Data must be assigned within the ‘Configuration’ and is therefore completed within DiaLog. Once the structure has been completed and the required ‘Data Items’ selected within the ‘Configuration’, the Stream Data facility allows the user to choose several key ‘Data Items’ to be streamed to the server.
The procedure for selecting ‘Stream Data Items’ and transmission rates is outlined below.
Within DiaLog, select the ‘Protocol’ containing the ‘Data Items’ you wish to stream to display the ‘Items’ panel below:
To assign ‘Stream Data Items’:
Select a single or group of key ‘Data Items’ to be streamed.
‘Right-Click’ and select the ‘Stream’ menu item or use the ‘Stream Rate’ toolbar icon.
A choice of three lists for different stream rates will be displayed. Select the required DAQ depending on the desired stream rate (Each DAQ can contain up to 15 channels).
The selected items will be added to the ‘Stream Channels’ for the ‘Vehicle Structure’.
‘Stream Data Items’ can also be assigned or edited using the ‘Stream Rate’ icon in the toolbar at the top of the ‘Items’ panel.
Changing Default Stream Data Rates
Within DiaLog, it is possible to independently select the transmission rate for each ‘Stream Data’ DAQ list. This is performed within the ‘Vehicle Properties’ window.
In the ‘Local Database’ in DiaLog, select the ‘Configuration’ you wish to edit.
‘Right Click’ in the ‘Vehicle’ component and select the ‘Properties’ menu item.
This will open the ‘Edit Vehicle’ window, as shown below.
The transmission rates are selected using the drop-down menus as shown.
Assigning logging parameters to the fleet parameter
Assign required parameters with stream rate.
Only streamed parameters can be assigned for the generation of the fleet report.
Click on get fleet parameters for updating.
Updating Fleet Parameters to Projects
Select the configuration.
Click on stream channels.
Select the label and assign fleet parameter from dropbox.
Sending a Vehicle Structure to StreamLog
Once a complete ‘Configuration’ has been created, it must be uploaded to the server to register it with StreamLog and allow the Logger to upload data to StreamLog successfully.
Select the ‘Configuration’ to be used.
‘Right-click’ and select the ‘Server’ menu item.
Click ‘Send Vehicle File to StreamLog’ to upload the structure.
Select the Firmware Version with which you want the Configuration to be compatible.
Select the ‘Project’ in StreamLog to upload the ‘Vehicle Structure’.
Click ‘OK’ to begin uploading the file.
Uploading a Vehicle Structure to a Rebel
Once the structure has been uploaded to the server, it is ready to be uploaded to the Logger (This is performed, as usual, see DiaLog documentation for further details). If a ‘Vehicle Structure’ containing ‘Stream Channels’ isn’t first sent to the server, the user will see a warning when uploading to the Logger.
The Rebel is now ready to begin data logging and streaming to StreamLog.
Last updated