Formatting the Sd card and sending the configuration to it
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Before beginning with the steps, remove the Sd card from the logger. Once done, connect the Sd card to your PC (using the Sd card reader).
Open and Lance' Dialog Remote' from the start menu.
Once the Sd card is detected, click the 'Format SD Card' tab.
Read the warning carefully and then click 'Yes' to proceed.
Select 'Start' to begin formatting.
Click "OK' to proceed (or click 'Cancel' to abort the formatting at this stage).
Click 'Ok' once the formatting is complete.
Click 'Close' to complete the process, and exit the formatting window.
Click on the 'Set Configuration To SD'. Select the configuration you wish to send to the SD card and click 'Open'.
This loads the configuration to the SD card.
If the user is configuring the Sd card for the first time, it is mandatory to format the Sd card by inserting it directly into the logger once.
Insert the Sd card into the logger and then connect the logger to your PC via a USB cable. Once the logger is connected, click 'Format Logger Sd' in the Dialog Remote window options.
Once prompted, click 'Yes'.
Once the Logger Sd card formatting is complete, click 'OK'.