Configuring the Analog Channels
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Last updated
You can change to the Analog Channel Configuration by clicking on the Tab: Not Connected.
Pressing the Load Button Loads the settings contained in the K-Box and displays them on the screen.
Once you have configured the K-Box as desired, click Commit to send the configuration to the K-Box.
You will want to generate a new DBC file if you make any changes. This describes the configuration of the K-Box, and you can load the file into DiaLog (or another tool that supports DBC files), allowing DiaLog to interpret the data broadcast by the K-Box correctly.
Clicking DBC Export will generate the DBC file and prompt you for the location to save it.
On this screen, you can change the following parameters:
The additional board allows users to select the addon board type if connected.
The CAN Ident and rate that the K-Box will broadcast ADC channels 0-3.
The CAN Ident and rate that the K-Box will broadcast ADC channels 4-7.
The Voltage range you wish to use for the ADC channels is either -10 to +10V, -20 to +20V or -40 to +40V, individually selectable per channel or -20 to +20V, -40 to +40V or -80 to +80V, individually selectable per channel depending on whether you choose hardware range 1 or 2.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast thermocouple channels 0-3.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast thermocouple channels 4-7.
The Thermocouple type may be selected from K, T and J Types.
By clicking on the tab RTD (Resistance thermometer detectors), you can configure the KBox to work with add boards by selecting the board type from the drop-down menu.
On this screen, you can change the following parameters:
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast RTD channels 0-3.
Select the type of RTD for each channel. RTD (0-3). Pt 100 or Pt1000 is individually selectable per channel.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast Thermocouple channels 0-3.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast Thermocouple channels 4-7.
The Thermocouple Type may be selected from K, T and J Types.
Click the tab IEPE (Integrated Electronics Piezoelectric) to change to the Analog Channel configuration.
On this screen, you can change the following parameters:
For more configuration options, refer to Appendix 4.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast IEPE channels 0-3.
IEPE Transmit-Measure:
Combined: All the IEPE data is sent in one CAN message with one CAN ID.
Individual: Sends each IEPE channel data with a separate CAN ID.
The sensitivity and offset of the IEPE 0, 1, 2 and 3.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast Thermocouple channels 0-3.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast Thermocouple channels 4-7.
The Thermocouple type may be selected from K, T and J Types.
How to for Analog, Thermocouple, and Digital channels using K-Cal.