Using the Oscilloscope
The ‘Oscilloscope’ functionality is controlled by a dedicated toolbar, which is considered below. Each feature is then considered individually.
Allows the Oscilloscope to go online.
Clear the Logged Data in the Oscilloscope.
Saves the data Logged in the Oscilloscope. It can be saved in:
Vector MDF (.DAT).
MATLAB 5.0 (.MAT).
MATLAB 5.0 Structured single or double precision (.MAT).
MATLAB 5.0 Structure Extended (.MAT).
Comma Separated Variables (.CSV).
Opens previously Logged data files.
Show steps between data points.
Separate Items on Oscilloscope.
Axis display modes.
Show item points.
Show cursors.
Reset Zoom Factor.
Reset X-axis Zoom Factor.
Zooms in X-axis.
Zooms out X-axis.
Fit Items to visible zoom area.
Zooms in Y-axis.
Zooms out Y-axis.
Zooms in all axis.
Zooms out all axis.
Right-clicking on the oscilloscope also brings up a menu with several further options. These include changing the scale of the time axis to several different resolutions and changing the axis colour, clearing the data, and printing and exporting the image displayed on the scope.
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