Configuring the Digital Channels
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You can change to the Digital Channel Configuration by clicking on the tab:
Pressing the Load icon tab loads the settings contained in the K-Box and displays them on the screen.
Here, you can configure the Digital Channels:
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will broadcast channels used as input.
The CAN Ident and rates that the K-Box will receive data to be output.
In output mode, it should output 3.3V (Digital 1-3) or operate in Open Collector mode (Digiatl4).
PINs 1-3 can be configured to measure pulse duration, frequency, duty cycle, count events, cycle duration, or RPM when in’ Input’ mode.
PIN 4 can be used as an output for wake-up or to supply power, for example, to another daisy-chained K-Box.
The 4 Digital Pins can all be configured as outputs: If that mode is used, then they either act in open collector mode (the base of the internal NPN transistor is energised according to the data that the K-Box receives via CAN message to the Outputs CAN ident configured) or they can act in 3.3V mode in which case they will output 3.3V or 0V depending on the to the data that the K-Box receives via CAN message to the Outputs CAN ident configured. If using the pins as outputs, you must set up CAN Messages with the same IDents as you have set up that broadcast data to the K-Box… The data format required is specified in the DBC file, and you can use the DiaLog DBC Editor (in the Presets section) to look at this.
The first 3 Digital Pins can also be used as inputs and measure pulse duration, frequency, duty cycle, count events, cycle duration or RPM, and output. They calculated measurements as CAN messages on the CAN Ident configured for the Inputs.
Once you have configured the K-Box as desired, click Commit to send the configuration to the K-Box.
You will want to generate a new DBC file if you make any changes. This describes the configuration of the K-Box. You can load the file into DiaLog (or another tool that supports DBC files), allowing DiaLog to interpret the data broadcast by the K-Box correctly.
Clicking DBC Export generates the DBC file and prompts you for the location to save it.
How to using K-Cal (tutorial video).