Retrieving the Datalog
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Connect the logger to the PC via USB.
Status Bar will display the logger status and time information.
Click on the "Internal Storage"
The below window will open up:
Load the XML configuration, which contains the channel names.
The log files in the internal logger memory will be displayed.
Select the files to be retrieved.
Click Download to access the drop-down options. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
Clicking the 'Advanced' option tab opens the Export data window
General: click to define the output data format and the output file's location.
Enabling '"Use full date/time" allows the user to export data in real-time stamp "dd:mm:yyyy: hh:mm:ss".
Input files: Click to verify the current input file in use.
File channels: click to select/deselect the channels from exporting their respective data. This also has quick check all and uncheck all tabs to select and deselect all the thermocouples at once.
Resampling: click to specify the sampling and synchronisation details.
Browse: click to specify the location for saving the exported data file.
Process: click to export data.
Cancel: click to terminate the entire process of exporting data.
Select the TC channel required for exporting from the 'File channels' window, and click 'Process'.
From the 'General tab' window, select the required output format.
Browse to specify a location to save the exported data.
Enabling "Use full date/time "allows user to export data in real-time stamp "dd:mm: yyyy: hh:mm:ss"
Click 'Process' to export the file.