Steps to add new AWS settings using ReXdesk

  • Click the ‘Tools’ tab in the Navigation bar and select ‘Cloud Settings’.

  • In the Cloud Settings window, select the ‘S3 ‘option and then select the ‘New S3’ option.

  • In the S3 Settings window, specify the Region from the drop-down menu.

  • Specify the type of storage services - AWS or Compatible (alternate S3 API-supported storage services).

  • Specify the S3 Connection type from the drop-down menu. Select Plain for HTTP connection and SSL for HTTPS (Certificate must be added to the XML file).

  • Specify ‘Port’ details: 80 if the connection type is Plain, 443 if the connection type is SSL.

  • Specify the bucket name for objects stored in Amazon S3.

  • Specify the ‘Access Key’ and ‘Secret Key’ for the AWS account

  • Click ‘OK’.

  • The new AWS S3 setting details have been defined using ReXdesk.

  • Click on ’x’ to exit the window.

Last updated